As part of our three year strategic plan, Three Links is committed to community engagement and encouraging young people to seek a rewarding career in seniors care.  Both were on full display in June at the Three Links Care Centre when a few bright and talented students from nearby Windermere High School offered a helping hand and encouraging melody when they could. For two weeks in June, these students spent quality time at the Centre to observe our incredible team in action.


Art, Patricia and Tina were all students from 11th Grade, hoping to chalk up some experience working with the residents and the Three Links community. They had all wanted to join a setting that served seniors through various different aspects of their lives, from keeping fit, to diversion, to the chores of daily life. To this end, the students assisted with recreation activities, interspersing social visits in between, during their time here. During tea time, Art and Patricia even took it upon themselves to offer their own entertainment for the seniors at tea time, breaking out guitar and voice into soothing melodies for residents and staff alike.

Though the students’ time with Three Links is over, their participation as active and enthusiastic members of the community has thoroughly encouraged residents, staff and volunteer alike. The Centre hopes other members of the community will feel motivated by the students to try out a role or two at the Centre, to the benefit of all community members.